Dim g=zm.FindPicTable(找怪)
If g Then
TracePrint "找到了",g["success"],"个对象"
TracePrint "没找到", g["fail"], "个对象"
If t["找怪"] Then
TracePrint "找到找怪, 坐标为", g["找怪"]["x"], t["找怪"]["y"]
End If
End If
If 找怪坐标() >=横轴833 Then//怎么把取得的横坐标跟横坐标做对比
Touch 414,355,100
End If
Dim 坐标1,坐标2,坐标3,坐标4
FindPic 0,0,0,0,"Attachment:剑宗弟子.png","000000",0,0.9,坐标1,坐标2
If 坐标1 > -1 And 坐标2 > -1 Then
TracePrint 坐标1
TracePrint 坐标2
End If
FindPic 0,0,0,0,"Attachment:剑宗弟子.png","000000",0,0.9,坐标3,坐标4
If 坐标3 > -1 And 坐标4 > -1 Then
TracePrint 坐标3
TracePrint 坐标4
End If
If 坐标1 = 坐标3 Then
TracePrint "坐标1等于坐标3"
End If